Our Services


What Services We offer

Check out our full bouquet of services that we offer.

LED Potlights (Interior and Exterior)
LED Potlights

You can call us to get installation work for the LED Potlights. We are specialized in installing and repairing of these lights that can be installed into down ceiling. We provide you with the installation of industrial-grade LED lights that have longer span.

Electrical Wiring
Electrical Wiring

You can connect with the best for electrical wiring. This is an important task that require utmost precision and excellence that we hold for a reason. We will install wiring with proper distribution of boards, switches, and electronic connections to make your lighting and appliances working efficiently.

Electrical Panel Upgrade

Want to update your existing electrical panel? Look no further than Ramboll Electric to get the top-rated services. We will replace all components like wiring, brakers, and fuses of your existing electrical panel. This will certainly increase the efficient supply of power to your appliances and reduces the additional load on existing circuits.

Electric Car Charger Station Installation
Electric Car Charger Station Installation

We are equipped with the knowledge to install electric car charging stations. You can get them installed by our plug-in electric vehicle charging expert. Currently we are associated with Tesla automobiles for installation of charging stations. We will install the charging station by fulfilling all local compliances.

Security CCTV Cameras Installation
Security CCTV Cameras Installation

We know the value of your belongings and are really concerned about their safety. So, we are here to provide you with installation of high-tech CCTV cameras for home and office. We have tech-enabled CCTVs which are integrated with night vision and high-quality video recording.

Commercial & Residential Electrical Work
Commercial & Residential Electrical Work

We know the working, installation, and repairing of residential and commercial electrical wiring and fuses. You can count on us for 100 percent satisfactory electrical work and repairs.